a historical novel series
Cry For Jerusalem is a series of historical fiction books covering the seven years leading up to the burning of Herod’s Temple and the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The details of these events are a little-known part of history yet documented in riveting and heartbreaking detail by eyewitness historian Flavius Josephus. Cry For Jerusalem gives a fresh view into these stories and showcases them in a new way with this fictional yet fact based dramatization. Author Ward Sanford brings the people and events to life in this vivid four-novel series that captures the intrigue, hopes, dreams, and drama on both sides of the Jewish Roman war. If you are a historical fiction fan, Christian fiction fan, or just a fan of great plots and stories- these are books for you! Follow along as we map out the fascinating time period of the first Jewish revolt and destruction of Jerusalem in a set of novels you won’t want to put down.

These novels are being developed for a multi-season streaming TV series

An impressive blend of historical portrayal and dramatic fiction
The characters are so well developed that you feel for them, hope for them; in some cases you hate them, in others you love them!
Diverse, gritty, and laced with tension. majestic and colorful landscapes - richly detailed... incredibly researched foundation
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the man behind the series
Dr. Ward Sanford
Dr. Ward Sanford is an internationally renowned hydrogeologist who has spent over thirty years studying and writing journal articles. ​Ward recently has developed a keen interest in the first-century history of Israel through the writings of the contemporary historian Flavius Josephus. He has added to his knowledge by making multiple research visits to Israel to see the sites first hand.